To my Loving Heavenly Father

I desire Your thoughts to be my thoughts, and Your ways to be my ways, and the desires of Your heart to fill my heart this day!

Again this very moment I choose to turn to You, casting all my cares on you JESUS…

Any worries, fears, doubts, heartaches or pain… I cast them all on You LORD because I do trust You LORD, as I know You will never stop loving me, and ultimately You are the ONLY ONE who desires the very best for me.

This day, I choose to come into agreement within the pages of ‘my book of life’ and ask You LORD, KING, BROTHER, and FRIEND. To reveal what you have already ordained to be written. Starting from now!

I pray all my thoughts and ways submit to Your thoughts and ways. As all my steps are now ordered by You LORD to continue on our journey together. So I am in the right place at the right time, doing what is good and right in Your sight, being sensitive to the leading and prompting of the words and pictures revealed by the person of The Holy Spirit within me.

To remain close to You. To hear Your heart…

To say and do exactly what you reveal to me in agreement with Your perfect words.

To do your WILL on earth as it is in HEAVEN this day.

To love my neighbours with your overflowing LOVE through me…

Thank You Jesus!

I love You Jesus! 

Amen! (It is DONE!)